All courses Bundle
10 CoursesIncludes all 9 self paced courses in one bundle: receiving the bundle for 2999 Euros instead of 6585 Euros.
Devoted Lover & Loved well - Heard, felt and seen
2 CoursesDevoted Lover, not his Mother Course + Loved well - Heard, felt & seen Course in one bundle. Combine these two courses and learn how to love well and how to make it possible to receive well.
Well loved - Heard, felt & seen
Learn to access and speak the language of your heart: Transform triggers & desires into portals for heartfelt communication, vulnerability and deeper connection: be met, felt and heard in what you are saying and receive the love you desire.
Devoted Lover + Communing with God
2 CoursesBundle: Devoted Lover 3 hour class + Communing with God audio course
Communing with God
Guided audio journeys: allowing you to restore your relationship as the innocent, always well loved daughter and mature into the devoted wife by Gods side. Be nourished, heal lasting trauma & widen your heart to love.
Attracting him & Devoted Lover
1 CourseBundle of: Attracting & Receiving Him course + Devoted Lover, not his Mother.