Over the years I've always received the request for a class and specific trauma healing journey on sexuality, erotic expression, deepening into your feminine pleasure body, helping you regain capacity, availability and responsibility for an exquisite life!! Here it is:

Awakening Eros - is not just a class on the how's, the whys but a deeply embodied journey and practice that you will take with you for the rest of your life.

  • A deep practice to sink into your own pleasure and erotic textures (especially if you have experienced trauma and experience dissociating, numbness, freeze, fawn, flight during lovemaking)

  • A deep practice of becoming available agin & receiving masculine love, touch, affection- healing your relationship with receiving, opening deeper into surrender within yourself, in your relationship and with god.

  • A deep practice of receiving words, praise, REPAIR from the masculine (allowing your heart and yoni to soften and open) - yes, healing the deep pain of withdrawal, abandonment, exploit and pain from men that have touched you unconsciously.

  • A deep practice of coming alive and radiant again. Owning your erotic nature. Offering it as a gift to the world (healing the fear of being used, taken advantage of) - Coming alive as a woman and letting your eros lead you into the deepest pleasures of life.

  • A deep practice of de-armouring, healing trauma, stagnant energy, for you to become available and intimate with yourself, the masculine and god again. Becoming attuned to the subtle delights, the currents that god moves through your body and your own truth.

What we cover & transform:

  • Practices to deeply regulate your nervous-system, allowing you to slow down and simultanousely activate your erotic energy (especially if you tend to fawn, freeze, dissociate..)

  • Repairing your relationship with the masculine/god - healing your heart/wounds, so you can attune to the delights of masculine touch, service and love. Becoming available again/regaining capacity for intimacy with yourself, god and your partner.

  • Why lovemaking might feel painful and how you can self-heal, de-armour your heart/yoni to regain pleasure after years of numbness, pain, fear, shame (+ how to include your partner in your opening)

  • How to cultivate presence and turn-on in your own body (no longer outsourcing pleasure from things, people around you) discovering your unique erotic texture & how to gift it to your partner and the world (especially if you haven't felt turned on in your partnership for a while)

  • How to own your radiance + sexual energy in public without drawing 'unwanted attention' or becoming a victim of assault. Nourishing and opening others while practicing discernment.

  • Creating a safe container to be loved the way you need it - How to open your gates of receptivity, surrender deeper in love/pleasure (getting out of your head and dropping into sensation)

  • Mastering your sexual energy - become an artist of love, becoming aware of your impact, learning to direct your energy powerfully to evoke depth and connection with your partner and bask in your own radiance

  • How to be an active participant in love (getting out of starfish pose) & communicating your needs and desires powerfully, creating room for new exploration and depth

  • Liberating sexual trauma & shame that has been accumulated from past relationships/hurt and passed down through your lineage - taking back your power + becoming the one to powerfully awaken/reveal/enjoy erotic energy with integrity

  • Falling deeply in love with yourself and receiving god through your body: The art of breath, self massage, awareness, deep listening and becoming attuned to your bodys desires - turning your longing into art and into a gift to god

Join us for this 2,5 hour class & journey on

1st of March 2024 - 6pm Central European Time // 9 am Pacific Standard Time (replay + lifetime access to the recording)


Awakening Eros

  • Yes, I understand that this purchase is non-refundable and that I am trusting my desire to be involved.

  • Yes, I understand that If I am opting into a payment plan, that I am obligated to pay each month.

  • Yes, I agree to be 100% committed and responsible for myself and my own experience and results.

Pricing & Payment

What others say about this work...

The kindest, fastest and most guided path into the life and love you are truly longing for.

Y. M

This was the most important work I've done to date on all of the issues that have not been working in my life. It required a real showing up for myself and commitment to this longing of wanting things to go different in my life; and after my full yes and showing up to it, each session, and the integration questions in between, then it felt as though amy and the container fully came through, and carried it and me and us into the places where true insight and then foundational, cellular healing could occur. I could feel this work literally beginning to change and re-wire my cells and my patterns. I feel like this process has been a commitment to a true new beginning in my life, and looking back I can't imagine stepping towards the life I am truly wanting to create without having gone through this container and these journeys and reviewing and correcting everything in my life and lineages that was not working/not supportive. This feels like the work that comes before a re-birth. And it was also sooooo relaxing, sooooo loving, soooo soothing, sooooo fun, soooo miraculous, soooo deep, sooooo wise, soooo elegant. I think you know when you are ready for this - and when it feels like it has your name on it, it feels like the kindest and fastest and most guided path into the life and love you are truly longing for.

Connecting with my inner masculine was a relief that I can't even describe with words.


'Restoring femininity, love & truth' was an amazing journey into my soul that helped me integrate more the wounded feminine and wounded masculine parts of me. As a result I'm feeling more integrated than ever before and more safe to reveal more of my heart everyday. A lot of healing has taken place and connecting with my inner masculine was a relief that I can't even describe with words. Relief and joy/love were the main emotions I've experienced and I'm continuing to experience as im building this relationship with him.

Since reuniting with my inner masculine, my life has expanded in every way.

Clare H.

Since reuniting with my inner masculine, my life has expanded in every way. The journey we went on, I struggle to verbalise how incredible it was. The energy of that reunion created a warmth in my heart, I could feel it on a cellular level. Feeling into the energy of my inner masculine, has brought about this level of support, love and nurturing that I was always craving. Amy held the space so delicate and graceful - for me to open up and feel completely safe. The reunion was one of the most beautiful things I have ever experienced. I have come home to myself. The way this has already played out in my life is incredible, I feel him hold me and support me speak my truth and take action. I constantly have this support and protection within me now. I feel passionate and fierce. It has impacted every aspect of my life in the most profound way. I am now a better lover, mother, sister, business woman, coach. I can now truly and authentically be myself without fear. Without amy's guidance I would have never been able to integrate this and heal this. I want to thank amy for creating this space for me, to come home to myself. She made this deep shadow feel so light and easy to dance with.